Why analyst relations could be the missing link in your consumer comms strategy

Analyst relations isn’t just for B2B brands. There, we said it. 

In fact, an analyst in the know can be a powerful advocate for consumer brands with customers, media, and the industry. But, engaging with them in the right way can be tricky.

When you think analyst relations, it’s easy to fall into the Gartner hype(cycle). And don’t get us wrong, knowing whether the latest tech trends are in the “peak of expected expectations” or plummeting through the “trough of disillusionment” is important. It’s easy to see why analysts might be considered a strictly “B2B” thing.

But there’s a world of value that analysts can bring to consumer tech brands. From raising profiles by becoming better known and understood to gaining a competitive edge with real, insight-backed buzz.

So, here are the top five things you need to consider when engaging with analysts through a consumer lens.

1. Understand their needs

When engaging with analysts, it's important to understand that they have unique needs and perspectives that are different from those of the media or general audience. While a great media story may focus on consumer trends or sensational events, an analyst will be more interested in the long-term trends and strategic insights that can help them provide advice and guidance to their clients.

2. Plan ahead and be targeted

Good planning and targeting is essential. And reaching the right analysts at the right time is key. Whether that’s a dedicated briefing programme ahead of a product launch, running a loan programme to get your newest products into their hands, or to get feedback on your go-to-market approach. We connect you with the right tech analyst at the right time to drive meaningful conversations, nurture long-term relationships and, ultimately, influence your people.  

3. Communicate on their level

When engaging with analysts, it’s important to speak their language. Make sure you’re communicating your brand story, vision and objectives in a way that resonates with analysts. Avoid marketing jargon and buzzwords – they’ll see through that straight away. Instead, provide them with clear and concise information that demonstrates how your brand is innovating and making an impact in the consumer tech space.

4. Make them feel valued

Analysts are experts in their field, and their insights can be incredibly valuable to your brand. When engaging with analysts, make sure they feel valued and appreciated. Consider inviting them to exclusive events or providing them with early access to your products. Also, don’t forget to follow up with them after they’ve provided feedback or insights – this shows that you value their input and are committed to building a long-term relationship.

5. Build effective analyst relations into your overall comms strategy

But the power of analyst relations truly shines through when working alongside an effective and impactful media and influencer relations strategy. When done right, industry analysts can be powerful voices for your brand with journalists – providing impactful commentary and insight on the moves you’re making and why they matter. 

Ultimately, effective analyst relations can help consumer tech brands gain a competitive edge and establish themselves as leaders in the industry. By understanding the needs of analysts, planning ahead, communicating effectively, and building long-term relationships, you can tap into the power of industry and tech analysts to drive meaningful conversations and positively impact for your brand.


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